certified sustainable species

USA Harvested Certified Sustainable Speices

Species Image (click to enlarge)Common NameSpecies Name Also Known asCountry of OriginFAO AreaCertificationCurrent Status of Fishery
Acadian RedfishAcadian RedfishSabastes fasciatusRedfish, Ocean Perch, Labrador RedfishUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Alaska PollockAlaska PollockGadus chalcogrammusPollock, Walleye pollock, Pacific pollockUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Alaska Snow CrabAlaska Snow CrabChionoecetes OpolioOpilio CrabUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
American LobsterAmerican LobsterHomarus americanusLobsterUSA27 (Atlantic, Northeast) Gulf of Maine and Georges BankSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Arrowtooth FlounderArrowtooth FlounderAtheresthes stomiasFlounder, Arrowtooth halibut, Turbot, PaltusUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic HerringAtlantic HerringClupea harengusHerring, Sea herring, Common herring, Labrador herring, Sardine, SperlingUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Alantic MackeralAlantic MackeralScomber scombrusMackerel, Common mackerel, Boston mackerel, CaballaUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic Mahi-mahiAtlantic Mahi-mahiCoryphaena hippurusDolphinfish, Dolphin, DoradoUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic PollockAtlantic PollockPollachius virensSaithe, Coalfish, Coley, Green cod, Boston bluefishUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic Salmon (Farm Raised)Atlantic Salmon (Farm Raised)Salmo salarSea run salmon, Kelts, Black salmonUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
Atlantic Sea ScallopAtlantic Sea ScallopPlacopecten magellanicusScallop, Sea scallop, Giant scallopUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic Skipjack TunaAtlantic Skipjack Tuna Katsuwonus pelamisTuna, Ocean bonito, Lesser tuna, AkuUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic Spiny DogfishAtlantic Spiny DogfishSqualus acanthiasDogfish, Spring dogfish, Spiked dogfish, Grayfish, Piked dogfishUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic Surf ClamAtlantic Surf ClamSpisula solidissimaSurf clam, Bar clam, Sea clamUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic WahooAtlantic WahooAcanthocybium solandriKingfish, Peto, Guarapucu, OnoUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Atlantic Yellowfin TunaAtlantic Yellowfin TunaThunnus albacaresTuna, AhiUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Black GrouperBlack GrouperMycteroperca bonaciGrouper, Blackfin grouper, Marbled rockfishUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Black Sea BassBlack Sea BassCentropristis striataSea bass, Blackfish, Rock bass, TallywagUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Blue Mussel (Farm Raised)Blue Mussel (Farm Raised)Mytilus edulisBlack musselUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
BluefishBluefishPomatomus saltatrixTailor, Snapper, Baby bluesUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Blueline TilefishBlueline TilefishCaulolatilus micropsGray tilefishUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
BocaccioBocaccioSebastes paucispinisRockfish, Pacific Snapper, Oregon Snapper, Longjaw, Jack, Rock Cod, RockfishUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Brown Rock ShrimpBrown Rock ShrimpSicyonia brevirostrisFlorida Rock ShrimpUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Brown ShrimpBrown ShrimpFarfantepenaeus aztecusBrownies, Redtail shrimp, Golden shrimp, Native shrimp, Summer shrimpUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
ButterfishButterfishPeprilus triacanthusAmerican butterfish, Atlantic butterfish, DollarfishUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
California SquidCalifornia SquidDoryteuthis (Loligo) opalescensPacific loligo squid, Opalescent squid, Monterey squid, Westcoast squidUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Canary RockfishCanary RockfishSebastes pinnigerCanaries, Canary rock cod, RockfishUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Caribbean Spiny LobsterCaribbean Spiny LobsterPanulirus argusRock Lobster, Florida Lobster, Langosta espinosaUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Chinook SalmonChinook SalmonOncorhynchus tshawytschaKing salmon, Spring salmon, Quinnat, BlackmouthUSA18 (Arctic Sea) 67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Alaska Chum SalmonAlaska Chum SalmonOncorhynchus ketaSalmon, Chum, Keta, Dog salmon, Calico salmon, ChubUSA18 (Arctic Sea) 67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
CobiaCobiaRachycentron canadumSergeant fish, Ling, Cabio, LemonfishUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Dover SoleDover SoleMicrostomus pacificusSole, Slippery soleUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Eastern Oyster (Farm Raised) Eastern Oyster (Farm Raised)Crassostrea virginicaAmerican oyster, Atlantic oyster, American cupped oysterUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
English SoleEnglish SoleParophrys vetulusSole, Lemon soleUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Alaska Flathead SoleAlaska Flathead SoleHippoglossoides elassodonSole, Flounder, Flathead flounderUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Gag GrouperGag GrouperMycteroperca microlepisGrouper, Copper belly, Charcoal bellyUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Geoduck (Farmed Raised)Geoduck (Farmed Raised)Panopea generosaKing clam, Elephant Clam, Gweduck, GoiduckUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
Gray TriggerfishGray TriggerfishBalistes capriscusGrey triggerfish, Leatherjacket, Leatherneck, TalyUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Greenland TurbotGreenland TurbotReinhardtius hippoglossoidesGreenland halibut, Turbot, Newfoundland turbot, Blue halibutUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
HaddockHaddockMelanogrammus aeglefinusScrodUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
King MackerelKing MackerelScomberomorus cavallaCavalla, SierraUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
LingcodLingcodOphiodon elongatusCultus cod, Blue cod, Green cod, Buffalo cod, White codUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Longfin SquidLongfin SquidDoryteuthis (Loligo) pealeiiLoligo, Winter squid, Boston squid, Rhode Island squid, Jersey squidUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
MonkfishMonkfishLophius americanusGoosefish, Angler, Molligut, Abbot, Sea-devilUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
North Atlantic Albacore TunaNorth Atlantic Albacore TunaThunnus alalungaNorthern albacore, Longfin tunaUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
North Atlantic SwordfishNorth Atlantic SwordfishXiphias gladiusBroadbilled swordfish, Broadbill, Espada, EmperadoUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Northern AnchovyNorthern AnchovyEngraulis mordaxAnchovy, North Pacific anchovy, California anchovyUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Nothern Quahog (Farm Raised)Nothern Quahog (Farm Raised)Mercenaria mercenariaHard clam, Quahog, Chowder clamUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
Ocean QuahogOcean QuahogArctica islandicaClam, Quahog, Black clam, Mahogany quahogUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific Albacore TunaPacific Albacore TunaThunnus alalungaAlbacore, Longfinned tuna, AlbecorUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific CodPacific CodGadus macrocephalusCod, Alaska cod, Gray codUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific HalibutPacific HalibutHippoglossus stenolepisHalibut, Alaskan halibutUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific MackerelPacific MackerelScomber japonicusChub mackerel, Spanish mackerelUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific Mahi-mahiPacific Mahi-mahiCoryphaena hippurusDolphinfish, DoradoUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific Ocean PerchPacific Ocean PerchSebastes alutusRockfishUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific Oyster (Farm Raised)Pacific Oyster (Farm Raised)Crassostrea gigasJapanese oyster, Miyagi oyster, Pacific cupped oysterUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
Pacific Skipjack TunaPacific Skipjack Tuna Katsuwonus pelamis Ocean bonito, Lesser tuna, Aku, KatsuoUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific Spiny DogfishPacific Spiny DogfishSqualus suckleyiDogfish, Spring dogfish, Spiked dogfishUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific WahooPacific WahooAcanthocybium solanderiKingfish, Peto, Guarapucu, Ono, WahooUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific HakePacific HakeMercluccius productusPacific hake, Pacific WhitingUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pacific Yellowfin TunaPacific Yellowfin TunaThunnus albacaresAhi, KihadaUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Petrale SolePetrale SoleEopsetta jordaniSole, Flounder, California sole, Jordan?s flounder, Round-nosed soleUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pink SalmonPink SalmonOncorhynchus gorbuschaHumpback salmon, Gorbusch, Haddo, HoliaUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Pink ShrimpPink ShrimpFarfantepenaeus duorarumSpotted shrimp, Grooved shrimp, Red shrimp USA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Red HakeRed HakeUrophycis chussLing, Squirrel hakeUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Red SnapperRed SnapperLutjanus campechanusSnapper, Genuine red snapper, American reds, Gulf snapperUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Rex SoleRex SoleGlyptocephalus zachirusWitch sole, Threadfin soleUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Rock SoleRock SoleLepidopsetta billineta (southern rock sole) and Lepidopsetta polyxystra (northern rock sole)Sole, Flounder, Rock flounderUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
SablefishSablefishAnoplopoma fimbriaBlack cod, Skil, Beshow, CoalfishUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Sablefish (Farm Raised)Sablefish (Farm Raised)Anoplopoma fimbriaBlack cod, Skil, Beshow, CoalfishUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
ScupScupStenotomus chrysopsPorgy, Northern porgyUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Shortfin SquidShortfin SquidIllex illecebrosusIllex squid, Summer squid, Jersey summer squidUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Shortspine ThornyheadShortspine ThornyheadSebastolobus alascanusThorny head, Idiot fish, Idiot cod, RockfishUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Silver HakeSilver HakeMerluccius bilinearisWhiting, Atlantic hake, New England hakeUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Spanish MackerelSpanish MackerelScomberomorus maculatusMackerel, Spotted cybium, Bay mackerel, Spotted mackerelUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Sugar Kelp (Farm Raised)Sugar Kelp (Farm Raised)Saccharina latissimaSea belt, Devil's apronUSAFarm RaisedSeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This species is sustainably farmed.
Summer FlounderSummer FlounderParalichthys dentatusFluke, HirameUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
TilefishTilefishLopholatilus chamaeleonticepsGolden tilefish, Great Northern tilefish, Rainbow tilefishUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Vermilion SnapperVermilion SnapperRhomboplites aurorubensSnapper, Beeliner, Besugo, RubiaUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Western Atlantic Bluefin TunaWestern Atlantic Bluefin TunaThunnus thynnusTuna, Bluefin tuna, Toro, Maguro, Giant bluefin, Northern bluefin tunaUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
White ShrimpWhite ShrimpLitopenaeus setiferusNorthern shrimp, Common shrimp, Daytona shrimp, Southern shrimpUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Widow RockfishWidow RockfishSebastes entomelasBrown bomber, Soft brown, Brownie, Belinda bassUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Winter FlounderWinter FlounderPseudopleuronectes americanusFlounder, Sole, Lemon sole, Georges Bank flounder, Blackback flounderUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Winter SkateWinter SkateLeucoraja ocellataSkate, Spotted skateUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) 31 (Atlantic, Western Central) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
WreckfishWreckfishPolyprion americanusSea bass, Stone bassUSA31 (Atlantic, Western Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Yellowfin SoleYellowfin SoleLimanda asperaSole, FlounderUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Yellowtail FlounderYellowtail FlounderLimanda ferrugineaFlounder, Rusty dabUSA21 (Atlantic, Northwest) SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.
Yellowtail RockfishYellowtail RockfishSebastes flavidusYellow sea perch, Rock cod, Pacific SnapperUSA67 (Pacific, Northeast) 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)SeafoodSourcing_With_Background-01Seafood Sourcing Certified Sustainable - This fishery is sustainably managed under US fishing regulations and is currently at recommended population levels.

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